Saturday, April 14, 2012

Entering the World - Au Naturale

Exciting news at the Peacock house! We have a GUEST EDITOR for The Peacocks Blog!

First of all, I'd like to thank my Mom and Dad for bringing me into this world. I am DELIGHTED for the opportunity to share my thoughts and insight as a guest editor on this blog. And BOY - do I have a great story to start with!

"My Entrance Into This World - Au Naturale"

Saturday, April 7th was a busy one. Aunt Molly and her friend Laura were in town for the Lady Antebellum concert. Mom and I had so much work to get done - changing bed sheets, cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming, shopping, oh and cleaning out the tornado shelter. I decided that I could help out as well - I kept trying to use my hands - but this darn uterus was getting in my way. Nothing some pushing and moving out of my way couldn't fix. "I'm on my way Mommy."

I started trying to wiggle my way out about 7:30am that morning. All my efforts only temporarily distracted Mommy with slight cramps every 30 minutes on and off all day. We had lots of work to get done, so I didn't try THAT hard to get out. We got all of our chores completed and even made a trip to WalMart for groceries. It was approaching 4pm, and we needed to get started prepping our dinner, as we were leaving the house for the concert at 6pm.

I remember hearing Daddy's voice announcing he was home around 4:15pm. (I sure loved hearing Daddy talk to me every day. His voice is so soothing...) We were getting fixins' for quesadillas ready and I decided that this was one meal I wanted to have in person - so I made the decision to get this ball rolling. And all of a sudden, I felt Mommy stop moving. Yep, that did the trick - a good ol' contraction. I think I'll keep reminding her I want to eat too every 5 minutes or so. I don't think she was happy about this as I recall her moaning and complaining of pain and just wanting to use the restroom. A LOT. 5 minutes was really too long of a pause, so I moved up my reminders to every 2-3 minutes. It was now 5:15pm.

Daddy called the hospital and inquired about when we should arrive. I thought, "I've done it for real! They are going to help me get out and get a quesadilla!" Hospital bags and my car seat all packed up, we finally decided to get in the car. En route to hospital at 6:00pm.

Mommy walked into the hospital by herself and chatted with the Registration lady before we walked to the elevators to go to Triage on the 2nd floor. A very nice nurse wanted to communicate with me, so she strapped up a monitor to Mommy and I was able to chat it up. I was doing just fine, but Mommy's blood pressure was up pretty high. After 15 minutes of evaluation, we learned we would get to stay in the hospital for good (quesadillas anyone?)

So excited about the news, I began to nudge for my quesadilla reminder every minute. More intense and closer together gets you what you want, right? The doctor came into the room and examined Mommy. She even ended up tickling my head! Silly lady - get out of the way so I can come out! The doctor had to break Mommy's water and noted I was ready to come out. As the doctor and nurses were preparing the labor room, I heard someone ask Mommy if she wanted to push and WOW! She said YES really quickly. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't a Mommy be hooked up to an IV and have some meds for this? Narcotics, epidural? Nah, not for my Mommy. Woah, woah, woah - I think this is happening faster than I anticipated. Just like that, I was being shoved out of my home. Squeezed out is more like it - talk about outstaying my welcome.

Showing my true coordination, I gave 3 more contractions and Mommy pushed 3 times and "TADA - HERE I AM!" I was born at 7:45pm. I weighed a slim 7 pounds and was 20 inches tall.

I was so excited to see Mommy and Daddy's faces. Tears of joy, along with my tears of a freezing cold room and having to breathe on my own, filled the room. The nurse lady finally got an IV for my Mommy while another one continued to ask hospital admittance questions. Shouldn't this have been done BEFORE? Oh right, I wanted out too fast. Well, like Mommy, like Brennen. Fast deliveries tend to run in the family.

So, 3 hours and 15 minutes of true labor, from start to delivery. Not too shabby, for myself.

Thanks for listening to my very first story. I'll have plenty more to entertain you with along the way.

Brennen Emma

And, I know you're DYING to know - I DID get my quesadilla, just not until the next day. Aunt Molly brought it up to me at the hospital (the food there sure was bland!)

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