Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2nd post in 10 days!!!

Look at me! I AM posting frequently again! :)

For Juandre's birthday on December 29th, we went to Lawrence for a KU basketball game. I booked us a hotel room with massages at the spa at the Oread hotel on campus. Upon checking in, we were told we received a complimentary upgrade for our room. Sure did!
We were put in the condo suite, the best room at the hotel. What a great birthday present for Juandre! The room was great, our company (Pete and Lacy Williams) was great and the game was great!

For the full album of pictures from our trip, including the fabulous shots of our hotel room, visit our Shutterfly site.

Juandre's semester starts in about 2 weeks - he's getting a little stir crazy in the house. Work is gearing up for our National Sales Conference for me, plus we have many open positions in which I do most of the recruiting for. Busy times heading into Spring at the Peacock house!