Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Peacocks and the Penske

Ok. Finally! The synopsis of our move to Oklahoma...

We're here. We're good.

Packing and loading went smoothly - just took a long time to get all of our stuff packed in to the 26 FOOT TRUCK. That's right. A massive truck used for a 5-7 room home was packed FULL with all of our stuff. How can 2 people have this much stuff??? Where on earth was it all stored?

Getting an hour and a half late start on Friday, we were off. (Yes, Jen was driving the truck. Breaker breaker...) Along the way, a light regarding emissions came on - detouring us to a Penske location to have it looked at. 1.5 hours later...we were back on the road. Instead of driving on to Kansas to stay the night with my parents, we decided to pound on through to OKC. 18 hours later than we left Indy, we arrived tired, stiff, irritated at a Motel 6 (yuck-because of the cats, that was our only option) to crash for the night.

Saturday morning started with a delicious bacon-filled breakfast to boost our energy for the long day ahead of us. Met the property lady at our new house - meeting us with unfortunate news...a 'semi-completed' cleaning job and NO GAS RUNNING TO THE HOUSE. The jackums that rented the house prior to us had not payed their last few bills, so the meter was yanked. Yes - removed from the house. So, on a Saturday of a holiday weekend, there we were, without hot water. Lovely. We strongly stated our disappointment in the state of the house and got a 3-night hotel stay paid for.
Can't beat moving to a new town and new house and not being able to stay there...

We were so fortunate to have Juandre's 'family' (the South African family we've known from Wichita), the Blignauts, to come and help us unpack. They were SO HELPFUL - getting over 75% of our unpacking and organizing done in the 2 days they were here. It was great to see them and great to have 10 extra hands!

So, here we are, Day #4 in Moore, Oklahoma. We're here. We're good. And we're about to go to bed for the first time in our house.

Night night!

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